Job Information
NJ Employer farmworker in Brockport, New York
Anticipated period of employment: 02/28/2025 to 11/25/2025
All workers should have at least 3 months experience pruning high density fresh fruit apple trees. Applicants must be able to furnish affirmative job references from recent employers operating comparable operations establishing acceptable previous experience. Must be physically able to meet and perform all job specifications stated in job order. Must be able to work in the hot humid weather for extended periods of time.
Crops: Apples, Sweet Cherries, Peaches, Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Plums, Tomatoes, Greenhouse cucumbers Worker must possess the physical strength and endurance (ability to continue or last) to repeat the harvest process though out the workday, working quickly and skillfully to perform activities assigned during that activity. Workers must work at a sustained (continuing for an extended period of time without interruption), vigorous pace (quick and steady) and make bona fide efforts (made in earnest intent) to work efficiently (performing or functions in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort) and consistently (same way for a long time) that are reasonable under the climatic and other working conditions, Workers may not leave trash, or other discarded items in work areas or vehicles but must dispose of such items in provided receptacles. Workers must wash hands with soap and water after all bathroom and meal breaks. Allergies to varieties of ragweed, goldenrod, insecticides, related agricultural chemicals, etc., may affect workers ability to perform the work described herein. Must display the ability to move, place, climb and work from orchard ladders up to 16 feet in height, making the necessary adjustments for various procedures while carrying up to 30 pounds. See ETA 790/790A for a complete job description.
Only workers meeting all qualifications on the job order should be referred by the Job Service Office. Interested candidates must contact their local employment office to receive a copy of the job order (ETA 790/790A) and applicable attachments. Once the applicant has a copy of the job contract they may call and/or email the employer to schedule an interview Monday- Thursday from 9am to 3pm and referred to NY1518084 as the JO is in connection with this NJ number.
See AOSOS comment section before making any referrals.