Job Information
Gollon Bait and Fish Farm Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, and Aquacultural Animals in Dodgeville, Illinois
This job was posted by https://illinoisjoblink.illinois.gov : For more information, please see: https://illinoisjoblink.illinois.gov/jobs/12609847
Workers will be required to seine fishponds as needed, load and unload fish from pond bank into specialized fish hauling trucks; unload trucks into fish shed, grade fish into sizes, maintain fish shed by checking health of fish, ensuring vats are properly aerated, removing dead fish and cleaning vats when emptied. Workers will weigh and count fish as needed, especially when loading customer trucks. Workers will monitor ponds for oxygen and water quality parameters when needed. Mechanical assistance in maintaining aeration equipment in ponds both permanent and portable during busy summer months. During that period, workers will need to ensure tractors and other equipment are fueled and greased properly. Worker should be able to start and drive tractors for use in aeration as well as seining ponds. Pond wells will also need to be monitored and turned off and on as needed. During spawning season, primarily April-July, workers will assist in preparing ponds for spawning as well as checking ponds for fish eggs and transferring eggs to fish shed. Workers may assist in feeding fish either by buckets or specialized trucks that blow out feed. Workers may need to drive heavy equipment such as excavators and boom trucks. General property maintenance will be expected such as bush hogging around levees and open fields, trimming trees with a chainsaw, weed eating and some building maintenance such as painting ang general repairs. Mechanical assistance will also be needed to maintain tractors and other heavy equipment as well as farm vehicles. Workers will be expected to keep equipment and vehicles clean. Workers should be able to work independently after the job has been mastered. Tractor experience is essential. A drivers license is highly desirable. This is a physically demanding job and workers must be able to life 55-pound baskets of fish, pull seine through mud and climb up and down pond banks under various temperatures and weather conditions. Worker should be comfortable working in water. There will be some overnight stays in a motel as we have ponds that are in northern Wisconsin. Workers may need to help with packing of worms which include counting and weighing. We are a drug free workplace. Employer may reward exceptional work with additional monetary or non monetary benefits. Workers who have a drivers license may drive farm vehicles to transport themselves or other workers around the farm or to the grocery store. Workers will be in ponds most days and need to comfortable working in water and be able to withstand extreme temperatures. At the sole discretion of the employer excellent work or length of service may be rewarded with additional hourly pay or bonus. If a worker possesses a valid drivers license and physical, he/she may drive the vehicle to transport themselves and other workers to the grocery or to and from the worksite.