United Spinal Association Jobs

Spinal cord injury - multiple sclerosis - polio - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - spina bifida
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Job Information

Kellogg School District #391 MATH TEACHER KELLOGG HIGH SCHOOL in KELLOGG, Idaho

This job was posted by https://idahoworks.gov : For more information, please see: https://idahoworks.gov/jobs/2349124


Year 2025-2026

QUALIFICATIONS: All applicants must hold or be eligible for properIdaho Certification with a Secondary Mathematics Endorsement

REPORTS TO: Building Principal


Personal Characteristics

The teacher is concerned with the effect of his/her total person on his/her pupils, the school, and the community.

The teacher meets standards for appearance, voice, tactfulness, tolerance, ethical and moral standards, poise, sense of humor, and relationship with students.

Teacher-Staff Relationships

The teacher is able to work collegially with others on staff.

The teacher is a positive influence on the morale and well-being of the staff.

The teacher is professional and discreet in his/her discussions of the school district, other employees, and pupils.

Classroom Control and Management

The teacher makes effective use of time and facilities.

The teacher organizes classroom time and materials and maintains student interest.

The teacher recognizes the differences among individual pupils and provides for each pupil.

The teacher develops and implements a classroom management plan.

Instruction and Guidance Skills

The teacher provides learning opportunities for all students through planning, stimulating activities, and frequent evaluation.

The teacher develops a flexible methodology that is based on a sound learning theory and prevailing conditions.

General School Services

The teacher participates in selection of developmental materials and curriculum with relationship to subject matter.

The teacher is accurate and punctual in completing necessary reports and records and complies with reasonable rules and requests.

The teacher accepts a share of responsibility of extra-curricular activities as assigned.

The teacher takes necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.

The teacher participates in the development and support of the District goals, objectives, and procedures.

Professional Preparation and Growth

The teacher seeks to improve his/her performance through study, observations, and experimentation.

The teacher is receptive to new ideas and methods.

The teacher continues to further his/her education through college courses and attends workshops and in-service training to improve his/her competency as a teacher.

The teacher participates cooperatively in the supervision/evaluation process.

Teacher-Community Relationships

The teacher strives to interpret the Districts objectives, program, and policies to parents and the community.

The teacher takes advantage of opportunities to develop positive public relations and recognizes successful pupils and appreciative parents as the best avenues for developing favorable community relations.

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: 180 days, contract renew annually

EVALUATION: Formal classroom observation and formal evaluationby supervisor as outlined in the procedures

